Saturday, May 27, 2017

Small Things Number Nineteen: Make A List of Places You Want to Go!

"I want to go to Japan" is a fairly common phrase for netizens, especially depending on where you go on the internet. Well, maybe it's not common and I just spend way too much time on the weeby side of the internet. If you don't know what weeby means, congratulations on being a functional human being 😁.

Aaaaaaaaaanyway, back to the point. If you are here you probably want to go to Japan (or just find my style of writing entertaining). Japan is a 145,932 square mile/377,962 square kilometer country, so you are probably going to want to get more specific with where you want to go. Also unless you are moving there you are going to have fairly limited time to go places, so you are going to have to plan and prioritize.

Something else I could see being a problem is getting so overwhelmed just trying to exist in a foreign country that you may forget the places you want to go. This seems pretty impossible sitting at your computer at home, but you would be amazed how much the human brain forgets. So do some research before things as simple as buying an apple at the supermarket will be a challenge.

This is my list of places that sound interesting to go. It's outgrowing its sticky note so I will probably transfer it to a file on my computer or a proper piece of paper soon.
Most of these places I found by watching Japan travel youtubers, but there are plenty of other ways to find places to visit. Youtube videos are just nice because you can see the place and have a narrator of choice who is either entertaining to watch or has similar interests as you. My favorites are Abroad in Japan, Rachel and Jun, Texan in Tokyo, and Sharla in Japan. This group just happens to share some similar interests with me and be entertaining to watch. You may find other people or websites more helpful. If you can, ask someone who has been to or lives in Japan about what places they think are cool to visit. There are many places that are really cool but not easy to find on the internet.

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