Given the name of the blog and the fact that I know how to make ice cream, this just had to happen. Making ice cream is a lot simpler than you would think. This is quite useful when you want ice cream in the middle of the night and can't get to the store (the closest store to my house that sells ice cream is 20 minutes away so it's not exactly easy to get ice cream in the middle of the night). In case you are wondering, yes I have made ice cream at midnight before.
Step One: Gather Ingredients!
First of all you need to make the ice cream. The recipe I use is just a can of coconut milk, 1/4-1/2 cup of maple syrup, and a teaspoon of vanilla extract. You can use whatever recipe you like but I use this one because it is simple and is something my sister who has allergies to both eggs and dairy, common ice cream ingredients, can have.
Step Two: Mix Ingredients Together!
Put all the ingredients into a bowl and whisk together. Whisking is useful because it gets more air into the ice cream mixture, and believe it or not air is a key ingredient to ice cream. Learned that from the Ben and Jerry's ice cream recipe book we have.
Step Three: Put the Mixture in the Ice Cream Maker!
Or not if you don't have an ice cream maker. Ice cream makers aren't exactly common devices but we have one and a really nice one at that because I literally live on a dairy farm so there is tons of ice cream to be made. If you have an ice cream maker, just put in the mixture and follow the instructions. If you don't have one, this wikihow article has some options for you to try. I have another method I heard about which I guess I could make a tutorial on at some point if that interests people.
Putting the mixture into the bowl of the ice cream maker (the mixy bit is in there too).
And the noisy behemoth of an ice cream maker on the floor in my room. Normally we shut it in the laundry room or something because the thing is super noisy but this time I just put it on the floor of my room and wore headphones.
Step Four: Finish Ice Cream!
The ice cream should look something like this when finished. Or, ya know, ice creamy.
Next put it into bowls and get out a can of sweetened azuki beans. It actually took us quite a while to find the sweet azuki beans in the store and now I don't remember what section they were in so I can't give you advice on where to find them 😆. Unless of course we happen to be going to the same store in which case hit me up and let's take a field trip.
Step Five: Mix in Azuki Beans!
You can either leave them as a topping or mix them in. Both ways are good.
Enjoy your homemade azuki ice cream! 😁
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