Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Small Thing Number Seven: Look Into Products You May Need!

Japan is different than my home country, America, in a lot of ways. It's probably different from your home country too. Some differences are large and some are small but either way things are going to be different. In this particular post, I will be talking about two items that you will most likely need in Japan that you don't need in the US.

In Japan, most places don't have clothes dryers. This means you will have to hang dry all of your clothes. Clotheslines are effective but a method my mom has been using ever since she went to Japan 30 years ago is these laundry hangers (I don't really know how else to describe it). Basically it's a structure with clips hanging from it that you can hang over the rail of the shower or any other thing you can hang stuff from. My mom still has the one she got in Japan all those years ago! However, I think it is somewhat broken so we have new ones as well. My sister has them in her dorm  because it is an efficient way to dry clothing that can't be put in the dryer. We have the larger ones for socks and underwear and basically anything and these smaller ones can again be used for anything but are very convenient for hanging pants from.

Another thing you may need is a face mask. Many people in Japan wear them to either avoid germs in crowded places, avoid pollution, keep others from getting sick if they are sick, or for fashion. You can either use the disposable ones or get a cloth "fashion" one. I personally find them cute and have a tendency to catch colds so for me getting a face mask sounds like a good idea. Because I wanted a cute one, I took to Etsy. I found two that I liked, a Kuma bear one and a BTS one (I'm a major BTS fan).

While I don't need either of these yet I could get them and get used to using them before my trip. I could also get them once in Japan, considering these are standard items over there. For now I will keep these in mind and think of what other things I may need.

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