Friday, March 17, 2017

More Comics!

So a great way to learn a language is to write it a lot. Another good way is to make up your own things to say. You know what combines these two? Comics!

Basically I have been using my limited Japanese to make silly comics. I don't know much so I stretch what I do know and rely a lot on facial expressions at times. There will be translations provided so you can either practice your Japanese or enjoy these without knowing any Japanese

So one day at work it was early and I had nothing to do so I started cleaning tables and counting in Japanese. By the way, you should never write numbers in hiragana. It's really inefficient.

All that hiragana=numbers 1-21

Can we take a moment to appreciate how fun it is to say haanbaagaa? HAANBAAGAA!!!

ハーンバーガー を りょうり します=cooking hamburger
ハーンバーガー を たべます=eating hamburger

"Hai, sou desu"
To make eating pickles right out of the jar even weirder...(in my defense, chopsticks are the perfect tool for getting things out of jars).
はい、 そう です=yes, that is correct

"Crazy Weather"
We were taught how to say stuff about the weather. Of course I had to say the weirdest thing possible. ごめんなさい、シェルさん
カンサス の てんき は どう ですか?=What is the weather like in Kansas?
あつい です=it's hot
ゆき です=it's snowy

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