Thursday, April 20, 2017

Small Thing Number Sixteen: Look into Weather and Clothes!

You should always look into the weather of the place you are going no matter where you are going and no matter how long you will be there. Sometimes you can just google what the weather is like but that won't always work. From what I can tell, Japan is very hot and humid in the summer and fairly cold in the winter. If you can, ask someone who has lived there what it is like so you can get a more accurate idea of what the weather actually does. For example, where I am we tend to have really rainy springs, it goes from 55 and raining to 100 and sunny in about a week sometime in July, the falls are nice, and we get cold snaps in January. All things you wouldn't know unless you asked a local. However, if you can't do this you can also check the weekly weather reports for where you are going. I have Ojiya as one of the cities to have the weather of in the weather app on my phone so I can check what the weekly weather reports are like.

Once you have an idea of what the weather will be like, get together some clothes appropriate for that weather! Also keep in mind that it is hard for westerners like myself to find clothes that fit in Asia so make sure to bring plenty of clothes. Another thing to keep in mind is the style of clothing. Japan is a more formal country so you will be expected to dress nicer. In general Japan is also a more modest country so you have to keep that in mind too. I don't have much advice beyond that considering I have never been to Japan myself but you can get a bit of an idea of what people wear by looking at Japanese clothing sites or watching dramas.

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