Thursday, April 13, 2017

Culture Sharing

So Easter is coming up this weekend which means egg dyeing in my house! Normally my sister and I do it together but this year she is off at college so it would be only me. Dyeing Easter eggs is really more fun with other people, but considering I turn 18 in two weeks I'm a little bit on the older end of people who want to dye Easter eggs. Then I had a *brilliant* idea (not really but bear with me I do have some sort of thoughtful point to all this); how about I invite over my exchange student friends to dye Easter eggs with me? Easter egg dyeing is a pretty American thing and while some of the students have been in the US for a couple years they are a bit old for their families or friends to be dyeing Easter eggs. While this is kind of a kiddie thing to do it is still a fun sort of "traditional" in America so I thought it might be fun to share.

Last year my sister was in a chemistry class at the local community college and of the friends she made in that class two of them were from Korea. One had immigrated here with his family as a teenager and the other was a college exchange student. Very fun guys so at the end of the school year we invited my sister's friends from the class over for a barbecue and to go to a rodeo. If that isn't classically American I don't know what is XD. Everyone had a lot of fun and the two guys got to experience something very American.

My aunt and uncle also hosted a college exchange student from Japan about ten years ago and one of the things the exchange student wanted to do was go trick or treating. In general it's something for young kids, but it is something fun in the American culture so she dressed up as Princess Mononoke and went trick or treating.

Every culture has fun stuff to share and even if you think the tradition is childish or not cool just share it anyway. The world is an amazing place and people are here to interact with each other and share. My normal is different than your normal and we can share what is normal to us to learn more about the world we live in.

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