Monday, July 3, 2017

I Went To A Convienence Store

I know that sounds super lame, but I'm in a foreign country where I know very little of the language. Yesterday the other kids in my house took me grocery shopping because they know their way around and speak way more Japanese than me. Anyway, everyone is at a school today but I'm still in the adjusting phase so I was left at home. It's nice to be able to have the house to myself, but I also don't know how to do much. The extent of my ability to actually do stuff in this house is turning on sinks, taking a shower, and washing clothes (these things are different than they are in America so don't judge me for my lack of skill). There is a fairly nice kitchen, but I have no idea how to turn on the stove or even make rice. Even if there are instructions somewhere in the kitchen, I can't really read them because I can't read much Japanese.

Basically I was stuck in the house unable to make food and rather hungry. I know where the closest convenience store is and I can read enough Japanese to be able to find something to eat and buying stuff doesn't require much language skill so I grabbed an umbrella and made the journey.

First of all, convenience stores in Japan are really cool. They have basically everything a grocery store would have, just with less variety. I looked around and found some frozen fruit and orange juice (I wanted to make a smoothie) and then found a chocolate bar and stared at the back until I had convinced myself there was nothing in it I'm allergic to. I looked around a little more and pretended to look at stuff while watching a couple other people buy stuff to see how things work. After convincing myself it can't possibly be that difficult I walked up and bought my stuff mostly without any problems besides not knowing how to say no thank you when the lady offered me a straw.

All in all, I'm pretty proud of myself for managing to buy myself food. I'm pretty useless on my own so far but I'm learning and hopefully will have tips for everyone else who is as clueless as me!

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