So I went to Office Depot the other day to pick up some supplies for my Japan trip. There are a ton more things to get and I need to start doing that so things that need to be shipped have time to get here. Anyway, this is what I got.
As you an see, I got a small whiteboard. I really like whiteboards for studying Japanese and since I can't bring my big one I had to get a small one. For some reason the colorful whiteboards were considerably cheaper than the plain white ones so since colorful stuff is cool I got a blue one. It's magnetic too but I'm not sure how much that will help me. It came with a pretty nice whiteboard marker and I wrote a bunch of random stuff in Japanese on it.
The next thing I got was a notepad pen combo for making lists. It's memo pad style so it flips up but instead of being a normal memo pad it's extra long so I can fit more stuff in. I liked the size of it and it actually has my university on it, so that's kinda cool.
And the last thing isn't exactly related to my Japan trip but it is an aux cord because my old one is breaking and headphones are necessary for me to live (I have them on probably 70% of the time I am at home). There were normal headphone cords there but they cost $15 and since my currently one was only just starting to break I decided I would wait to get one but while waiting in line I noticed there were aux cords on one of those little bargain displays stores have. It was only $5, but the catch is that it is ten feet (3 meters) long. It isn't super high quality but it is long enough that I don't think I have to worry about it being jostled around too much (but I do usually have it mostly coiled up). It's kind of fun to have a stupidly long cord because you can mess around and do stuff like put your phone on your desk and then dance in the center of the room.
If anyone who can't read Japanese is curious what I wrote on the whiteboard, I'll put up the translations tomorrow. It's nothing that interesting, just me saying random stuff in my limited Japanese because I can.
Soooooooo here's what I tried to write: Hello! My name is Juno. This board is cheap, but I like the board. Next month I go to Japan. I speak a little Japanese. I love pickles.
Also, I was given a bunch of stuff by my orthodontist because I have to go two months without an appointment. It's been nearly three years and I still have braces. Anyway, I do need this stuff to properly take care of my braces while overseas.
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